Day 104 Extreme Accountability Challenge Starting weight 304 pounds Destination weight 175 pounds Total weight loss to date 64.0 pounds 65.0 pounds to go As I approach the halfway point of this journey, I am within 1/2 pound of what I now call my destination weight of 175 pounds. The journey that I planned would take 36 weeks to complete, today I’m 16 weeks in and ahead of schedule. I think that it is appropriate to look back at the first post on March 15, 2017. It helps to see how far I and everyone that has publicly joined me on this journey, have come. While there are millions of obese people in America today there is no way that I could ever completely explain what this journey has been like. It is so easy to get so focused on the results and to forget the “joy” of the distance travelled. For example, in my original post I was too afraid to own up to weighing 304 pounds less than a week before. I was still fat at 298 pounds, just ashamed to admit 304, go figure. I take time to reflect every day, I may share more than most want to read, but I am savoring this journey. Maybe for you, maybe there is still hope. Whatever your struggles, there is strength beyond your comprehension waiting to be harnessed. You can do it. Enjoy the journey! Originally posted March 15, 2017 I am writing this post really for 2 reasons, first as a declaration and second as an invitation. As anyone that has known me for any length of time should know I clearly have a weight problem. I have struggled with being overweight most of my adult life but over the last 10 years or so it has completely gotten out of control. It hasn’t been sudden, sure I’ve had the occasional 10 or 20 pound weight loss but then put that weight back on and continued my gradual assent upward. Gaining weight and becoming obese cannot be hidden, although by not really stepping up and taking responsibility for my health I have been behaving as though my size is normal. Well I am 5’11” and when I stepped on the scales yesterday morning it read 298 pounds. That is not normal. I am declaring to everyone that reads this that I have set a goal to lose 123 pounds by November 22, 2017. Wow! that’s hard to write! But I know that 8 days, 8 weeks, or 8 months from now I will remember this and it will keep me on course. What a day that was, it was not comfortable! Remember comfort and safety are overrated. 175 pounds here I come!!!