
According to the CDC’s  National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, in 2018, 35 million people are obese in the United States. That is likely over 1 billion pounds of fat that US men and women are carrying around each and every day. Think about that. The question that comes to mind is; How does any one that finds themselves in this group get out? If you are carrying around this unnecessary weight and you have tried every diet that you can find, you have awakened countless mornings feeling like this burden is hopeless, I know exactly how you feel.

Alan Thomas - Weight Loss Coach

My name is Alan Thomas and on March 2, 2017, at the age of 55, I stepped on the scale and it read 304 pounds. Literally panic set in, it was the day after my 31st wedding anniversary and 3 thoughts ran through my mind.

  1. I could not recall ever meeting a 65 year old man that was more than 100 pounds overweight, to me that meant I had less than 10 years to live.
  2. I would likely be known as my wife Angie’s first husband, since I would probably be dead in less than 10 years.
  3. All of the dreams would be cut short by my obesity.

In that state of panic, while still standing on the scale, I reached for my cell phone and snapped a picture, because at that moment I decided to never see those numbers on a scale that I stood on again. Fast forward 13 days, I took part in a 5 day virtual group coaching program to get momentum in my business. After speaking with me for about 25 minutes, my individual coach asked me, “What’s holding you back?”

My response was "My weight".

That interaction led to me publicly committing to losing 129 pounds by November 22, 2017.

129 pounds in 260 days.

I reached 175 pounds on November 17, 2017. 5 days ahead of schedule. Decades of obesity conquered in 8 months.

It was never about a diet, it was always about mindset.

I’m not a medical professional, dietician, or fitness expert. I am an ordinary guy that allowed himself to get morbidly obese. Believe it or not I am thankful for that 129 pounds of fat, it allows me to understand what many who cannot seem to overcome their desire to overeat are going through. If you identify with where I was in 2017 and are ready to make a change, maybe I can help.


I met Angie as a freshman at the University of South Carolina in 1980, we were married in 1986. We are the proud parents of 4 adult children Blake, Adam, Joshua, and Ashley. Like many of you reading this, our lives have gone through many transformations. The greatest transformation was also our greatest obstacle, our weight. Maybe it’s time for your transformation.

Book a Free Breakthrough Call with me and let us discover if this is the right program for you.