Before & After

Get Inspired by Our Clients' Incredible Weight-Loss Transformations!

Bob W.

“Alan Thomas saved my life. That is not being overdramatic it is a fact. I had hit a wall in my personal life physically, mentally, and emotionally, largely because of my weight and my inability to control it.  Alan gently, slowly and methodically changed all that. At this stage of my life and for most men, we are supposed to have it all together. Getting ready to retire. When you have areas of your life that you are powerless over it compromises every aspect of your being. Alan showed me how I do have the power over my body my food intake my health and my future. He showed me that like Dorothy in Oz, the power was in me all along. Since gaining control over my weight and my health I have been able to take that power and ability and apply it in every facet of my life. Finances, family, relationships, in the workplace and in my church. People more often see the change in my demeanor and my confidence more so than they say the 50 pounds that I’ve lost so far. Having control over my weight and my health has truly been transformative. God is still in charge and I am merely the copilot, but having control over what I am supposed to have control over makes all the difference. So if you were like me and find that the weight is the outward signs of the things in your life that are out of balance, please consider partnering with Alan. You won’t regret the total  transformation.”

Bob H.

“Vision” is huge with my coach, Alan Thomas. We see ourselves as we truly are and we are the way our life will be as we read that “Vision “each day. I saw the first page of my “Vision” in November 2020. At that time I was concerned for my health, frustrated with my daily life, and anxious about the future. Alan helped me focus. In In my “Vision,” I saw with great clarity (my wife and I) our 20th anniversary and me below 200 pounds. The above photo is my “Vision” becoming reality.”

Justin B.

“Alan has been instrumental in helping me to lose 70 pounds and counting. What I love about Alan is that he helps to take you to the root issue instead of providing a surface level solution. This has resulted in a far reaching transformation in not only my health, but also my faith, marriage, relationship with my kids and my business. You don’t have to be a prisoner of your weight anymore. You’ve got to work with this guy. Your life literally depends on it.”

Matt M.

“I can sum up what Alan has meant to me in four simple words: He changed my life. Yes, I’ve dropped almost 60 pounds Yes, I am in the best shape of my life. Yes, I can walk a flight of stairs without getting winded. But it’s so much more than that. This process has dramatically increased my energy, my confidence, and my outlook on life. After working with Alan on this one area of my life, I feel like I can do anything. I owe Alan my life. My kids owe Alan for an extra decade or more with their dad. If you have an opportunity to work with Alan, do it. It’s the best investment you could possibly make in your health, your career, your business, your relationships, your family, and your future.”

Mark DelaneyBeforeandAfter

Mark D.

“Since the day of my birth I had gained weight or stayed about the same every year. I felt like I caused the problem and it was my job to solve it. Every day I told myself that I needed to lose weight, but really never believed that I could. The more I tried, the more I failed. After meeting and talking to Alan, I decided that the rest of my life was worth investing money into. The investment caused me  to buy into the process and buy into my future. My wife, my kids, my friends, and my community are inspired to live larger lives because I decided to take this step of joining Alan’s program. In the 6 months that I have known Alan I have lost 65 pounds. His life is a gift and he has caused a group of us men to have smaller bodies and live larger lives! I used to live in prison of this thought, ”I have to fix my problem before I can give my best self to the world.” I am now out of that prison and I am moved by this thought: “My problem is the greatest opportunity of my life. I can give my best, bold self to the world every day, while I am honestly facing my weakness. Alan, there is no way to adequately thank you for being a divine encounter in my life. My life has never been the same.”

Matt W.

What a difference shifting your mindset makes. In April/May I weighed in at 262 lbs. Today I weigh 195. I have never been a person that takes pictures of myself without my shirt. Never liked how I looked. Today I see the shift. Today I see my goals. Today I see that I am and will continue to become more. I want to personally thank you Alan Thomas for giving me YEARS back on my life and for giving me confidence, for helping me realize my goals! Not only has Alan helped me lose weigh but he has helped me find fulfillment.”

Angie Thomas

“When Alan went public with his weight loss journey in March of 2017, I was FURIOUS! Furious because I knew that meant, I would be going public with my weight problem too! You see Alan and I had been married for over 31 years at that point and we do everything together. I had always been able to get my weight off after the birth of our 4 children EXCEPT when our youngest was born. I kept thinking I would get it done but for crying out loud she wasn’t a baby anymore, she was 15 years old! I actually weighed more in March of 2017 than when I was pregnant with any of our 4 children. OUCH! I felt judged by others because of my excess weight. Of course, no one ever said anything other than “You look fine just the way you are.” …. but I knew what people were thinking. I felt invisible before reaching my ideal weight. I remember walking to the post office daily and having the door closed by the person just ahead of me like I wasn’t even there. Then Alan and I began to Rethink Dieting and I released 63 pounds in 190 days… That changed everything for me. As the weight came off, I regained the confidence that I thought was gone forever. Now people wait to hold the door for me. I don’t feel invisible anymore, in fact, I feel unstoppable.”

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