
Day 31, April 14, 2017

04/14/17 Day 31 Extreme Accountability Challenge Total weight loss to date 28.2 pounds It seems like a long time since 03/15/17 when I posted my scales for the first time. Thanks to everyone for the likes and encouraging comments each day. Knowing that you are watching keeps me on the straight and narrow each day. Join us if you really…

Day 30, April 13, 2017

04/13/17 Day 30 Extreme Accountability Challenge Total weight loss to date 27.4 pounds. Wow 30 days of showing my Facebook world my scales every day. Day one was exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. To think I had let myself, a average frame man, 5’11” tall, get to a mammoth 304 pounds, and even though anyone that looked at…

Day 29, April 12, 2017

04/12/17 Extreme Accountability Challenge Day 29 Total weight loss to date 27.6 pounds After 4 weeks of posting my weight loss journey on Facebook and to the world, I’ve come to appreciate the accountability that this has created for me. Each and every bite of food that I place in my mouth I think about. ” Is this going to…

Day 28, April 11, 2017

04/11/17 Extreme Accountability Challenge Day 28 Total weight loss to date 27.2 pounds Moving forward. Sticking to the program and using the accountability of posting my weight daily on Facebook to get through those times when I would normally cheat. I am not cheating this time because you are watching! Very effective appetite suppressant! The steps to joining the Extreme…

Day 27, April 10, 2017

04/10/17 Extreme Accountability Challenge Day 27 Total weight loss to date 27.6 pounds Before the EAC days off and weekends usually were built around cooking out or some new recipes that I wanted to create. Food was pretty much the focus of any relaxation. This past weekend and the last several have been quite a bit different. Food has not…

Day 26, April 9, 2017

04/09/17 Extreme Accountability Challenge Day 26 Total weight loss to date 26.4 pounds Completing 25 days of what I had originally planned as a 252 day journey to 175 pounds. I know that I have a long way to go still but there is no doubt that I will get to 175 pounds. This is the first time in my…

Day 24, April 7, 2017

04/07/17 Day 24 Extreme Accountability Challenge Down 24.2 pounds total While from my view of my scales and probably your view of them also, this looks like a petty slow process. Kind of like watching paint dry. Half a pound hhere, a pound there, up a quarter pounder down a third. And on and on. That’s probably why so many…

Day 22, April 5, 2017

04/05/17 Extreme Accountability Challenge Day 22 Total weight loss 23 pounds This marks the beginning of my fourth week posting my weight loss journey on Facebook. As I’ve said many times before sticking to a program has always been my greatest challenge. There are as many diets out there today as there are stars in the heavens. Some good… some…

Day 21, April 4, 2017

04/04/17 Day 21 Extreme Accountability Challenge Down 21.8 pounds total Some how I miscounted the number of posts yesterday, so today is my 21st post of my scales to Facebook. It was pretty lonely the first time that I pressed post on 03/15/17. I’m sure someone had used their Facebook community to hold them accountable to a weight loss plan,…

Day 20, April 3, 2017

04/03/17 Day 21 Extreme Accountability Challenge This morning I was able to go to the scales with hope instead of dread. The number was lower but more importantly I knew that I stuck to my plan that John Davisson designed for me to the letter. I don’t say that to boast, it’s just after years and years of fighting this…