Day number 8 of my Extreme Accountability Challenge this morning marks one week ago I started posting my scales reading every morning until I hit 175 pounds. My reading on March 15, 2017, 296.2 pounds, my reading this morning 287.8 pounds. Down 8.4 pounds my first week, I’ll take it! There is a lean healthy man in this body and…
Extreme Accountability Challenge Day 7. Tomorrow will be one week. This is my 7th morning post of my scales. It’s exciting and scary each morning. I know that I’ve done everything possible to show a weight loss but I still must step on the scales for all of you to see. Yesterday was a day that I would have…
Day 4 This week has not been anything like I thought it would be a week ago. After decades of yo yo dieting and ballooning to 304 pounds a few weeks ago( I had not mentioned that publicly yet!), I decided to do something radically different… change. It’s been pretty extreme. I kick around ideals all the time that I…
Day number 2 of my public weight loss journey down 1.8 pounds from yesterday. 119.4 pounds to go. 175 here I come. A lot goes through your mind when you commit to posting your weight daily until I reach my goal. I can tell you this, knowing that all of my Facebook friends will see my weight each day really…
There’s some people, especially my wife Angie, that are surprised that I shared what I actually weighted yesterday in my post earlier. Are you kidding, I’m fat nobody is surprised that I weigh this much if you have seen me recently. Was it scary sharing my weight, absolutely, did it feel empowering, yes! So I have decided to take it…
I am writing this post really for 2 reasons, first as a declaration and second as an invitation. As anyone that has known me for any length of time should know I clearly have a weight problem. I have struggled with being overweight most of my adult life but over the last 10 years or so it has completely gotten…