Day 106 Extreme Accountability Challenge Starting weight 304 pounds Destination weight 175 pounds Total weight loss to date 65.6 pounds 63.4 pounds to go I woke up right between my elbows this morning just like the previous 20,329 mornings that proceeded today. That’s a whole bunch of days, wow! 55 years and several months worth. When I think about all of the days past, I can’t help but wonder what the future holds. That really is the reason that I started posting my weight loss journey on Facebook on March 15, 2017. The days ahead. I want more of them if I can have them. If you haven’t figured out up to this point, I write lengthy posts sharing my thoughts because I am a dreamer. I dream of what is possible for my family and me, and when I weighed 304 pounds, I knew that while there are no guarantees, it would most likely be a short dream. Find a man over 65 that is 5’11” and 304 pounds or more. With all of the obesity around us, you would think that you could reach out and find one just anywhere. If you are able to find one, how’s his health, what kind of quality of life does he have? I think that you and I both know the answer to these questions. It’s rather obvious. I’m not searching for the fountain of youth, I just don’t want to take the gift of today for granted anymore. I dream and have dreamed of a full life of successes, loving relationships, accomplishments, and on and on. What I need is runway, time. To have a chance at that time, I would have to fill this massive gap in my health and lose 129 pounds. None of us are promised tomorrow but we have the ability to do our part. Today could be your last day or mine or it could be the day you create a plan to change and do what you can to live out what you dream of, in your heart, the chance that maybe… just maybe you could oovercome just one challenge, not all of them, to get around or through that challenge to do what you dream of…. BUT YOU NEED TIME. If it’s accountability you need, here you will find it, if It’s something else, go after it with all of your strength. Remember comfort and safety are overrated. Press post then press forward. 175 pounds here I come!!!