Knowing what you want seems so simple, but really often it’s the biggest challenge.
For so many of us that have struggled to achieve what we really want, it boils down to vision. Knowing exactly what you want and becoming so clear about it that there is no mistake about it.
When we get clear on the what, the how to gets easier. Sometimes I believe it’s just plain old fear that keeps us at bay on this crucial element of the process. Maybe you don’t think that you are good enough, maybe you don’t believe that you can make what you perceive as a long journey. The excuses and justification for not achieving what it is that you want continues.
If you are self employed or have a business with several employees and have lost some of the fire that you once had for your business, consider how you felt in the beginning, or even better consider what it would feel like if your business was taken from you for some reason.
Could you get enthusiastic about that business again if it meant keeping it or losing it? I believe that the answer in most cases is yes, so the solution is thankfulness. Then dream of whatever you want that business to become. Dream big like you did when the business was just getting off the ground. The thankful heart and the ability to dream are pretty lethal weapons against apathy.
Day 2
Start Date 01/28/19
Goal Date to achieve destination weight 4/28/19
Number of days until destination date 89
Starting weight 213.4 pounds
Destination weight 174 pounds
Today’s weight 211.4 pounds
Totals weight loss to date 2.0 pounds
36.4 pounds to go
The same holds true with your health. Do you remember what it felt like to be fit and trim? Would you have accepted your present waistline in those days? I think not..
What if the your present lifestyle causes an early death. If you could have the chance to go back and change, would you? Could you? I bet you can. When you consider all that would be effected, I know that you can get healthy, I believe in you, and now it’s time to believe in yourself.
It won’t be comfortable at first
But I promise it will be worth it.
As I walk through this journey again, I really believe there are a lot of parallels between how we treat our health and how we approach business and success. Each day over 90 days I will draw your attention to those parallels.
There are really very few surprises when it comes to weight management or management of or career. The principles work when you work the principles.
So whether it’s your waistline or business bottom line that is out of shape or both, join me each week as I openly share the struggles and victories of creating a healthy business and a healthy life.
It may be time to go all in with your health and business.
I challenge you to declare what you will do over the next weeks, months, and next year to bring radical change to your health and business. Say it to the world in the comments below.
Don’t inspire by your talk, inspire by the actions that you take.
It may feel uncomfortable and scary at first but….
Remember comfort is overrated.
Get uncomfortable and take a chance and…
Persistently Pressing post as I press forward.
My name is Alan Thomas and I help business owners and entrepreneurs find solutions to measurably improve their bottom line, their waistline and achieve business and personal health.