Day 79 Extreme Accountability Challenge
Starting weight 304 pounds
Destination weight 175 pounds
Total weight loss to date 53.8 pounds
75.2 pounds to go
The Wisdom of simplicity and the simplicity of wisdom.
For decades I’ve made the thought of weight loss into this complex process that I could never seem to grasp. My 18 year old son Joshua, who stays in great shape, when he was about 13 told Angie and I “It’s really simple, keep a caloric deficit until you reach your goal weight.”
It’s much more complicated than that!
But it’s really not, it’s the behavior that gets in the way of the desired results.
Go figure, The Wisdom of a 13 year old.
So here’s the plan if you really want results.
1- Pick an eating plan that works for you and will almost certainly yield results over time if you stick to it.
2- Stick to it. 100%. Find a way to stay as motivated on day 100 as on day 1.
The way I came up with is the Extreme Accountability Challenge, posting my weight daily so that I don’t get off track. I am tempted most days to get off track and cheat, but I committed to posting my weight loss journey on Facebook everyday, so it gives me a big stick to beat those cravings back with and stay the course.
3- Find an exercise that you would rather do than to not do. I think this doesn’t make me lose weight much faster but it gives me more energy and overall health.
4- Press repeat until you reach your goal!
Keep it simple and..
Press forward.
175 pounds here I come!!!