This is a marathon not a sprint. I’m making daily changes to my eating and exercise. As I move through victories and plateaus, I go back to my original post from Day 1.
Here’s my original post from Day one 3/15/17
The picture of the scales is from today.
There’s some people, especially my wife Angie, that are surprised that I shared what I actually weighted yesterday in my post earlier.
Are you kidding, I’m fat nobody is surprised that I weigh this much if you have seen me recently. Was it scary sharing my weight, absolutely, did it feel empowering, yes!
So I have decided to take it one step further for maximum accountability. I’m posting a picture of the weight on my scales each morning. I’m a little scared of heights and I must admit that this feels like I imagine cliff diving must feel.
175 pounds here I come!
I am writing this post really for 2 reasons, first as a declaration and second as an invitation. As anyone that has known me for any length of time should know I clearly have a weight problem. I have struggled with being overweight most of my adult life but over the last 10 years or so it has completely gotten out of control. It hasn’t been sudden, sure I’ve had the occasional 10 or 20 pound weight loss but then put that weight back on and continued my gradual assent upward. Gaining weight and becoming obese cannot be hidden, although by not really stepping up and taking responsibility for my health I have been behaving as though my size is normal. Well I am 5’11” and when I stepped on the scales yesterday morning it read 298 pounds. That is not normal. I am declaring to everyone that reads this that I have set a goal to lose 123 pounds by November 22, 2017. Wow! that’s hard to write! But I know that 8 days, 8 weeks, or 8 months from now I will remember this and it will keep me on course.
The second part is an invitation, I have a friend, John Davisson, that over 10 years ago, after struggling with his weight for years, took off 65 pounds, and has kept it off. He has agreed to guide me through the process. I know that some of you reading this probably struggle with being overweight or maybe you know someone that does. John and I are starting a private Facebook group that will have extreme accountability. It will not be for the faint of heart. I invite you to go on this journey with me. Either way I am going, with or without you. If this private Facebook group interests you please Private Message me and I will get you the details.
One last thought, if you are like me, whether you have 10 pounds or 210 pounds of excess weight take some kind of action. Posting this for me is stepping into unknown territory, there is no going back when I press “Post”.